Internet Safety: Privacy

Protect your privacy and personal information online.  Many times internet users are not aware that their information is being compromised.  Browse the following links for information on being careful with your personal information:

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
This site offers many resources on protecting privacy. 

Electronic Privacy Protection Center
The center has a list of tools for protecting privacy while online.

Online Privacy Alliance
The Online Privacy Alliance is a diverse group of more than 30 global corporations and associations who have come together to introduce and promote business-wide actions that create an environment of trust and foster the protection of individuals' privacy online.

Privacy Right's Clearinghouse
The Privacy Right’s Clearinghouse is a nonprofit consumer rights and advocacy organization which has compiled resources on privacy protection.

Safekids has helpful privacy information.



Contact Information

Educational Technology
Phone: (512) 463-9601
Fax: (512) 475-3612